Apink’s Eunji And Former Member Yookyung Show Off Their Close Friendship

Apink originally debuted with 7 members.

Many knew Apink as a successful 6-piece group prior to Son Naeun‘s departure. However, the group actually debuted with 7 members. Member Hong Yookyung was a sub-vocal in the group before she left due to “academic reasons.”

Yookyung in the music video for “My My”. | A CUBE

Ever since she left the group, she has been pursuing a variety of things. Not only did she get her degree in fashion design, but she has also been active as a musical and theatre performer. She also attends various fashion events and shows.

Yookyung attending fashion week.

Although she keeps it lowkey, once in a while, Yookyung treats fans to photos that depict her close friendship with the Apink members. In particular, she’s especially friendly with main vocal Jung Eunji. On May 27, 2023, they shared a bunch of photobooth prints taken together.

| @yukyung_922/Instagram

Both girls looked extremely comfortable in the photos, posing for the camera.

| @yukyung_922/Instagram

They looked like regular students with the way they posed with the prints.

| @yukyung_922/Instagram

Yukyung shared the moment on her Instagram.

#Stopbotheringme #You’retheunnie,right? #Somehow,weendedupwearingacouplelook #whydidyoucropmeintohalf,unnie?

— Yookyung

This is not the first time that they have shown off their friendship to fans. Yookyung frequently posts about Eunji whenever they meet.


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