ARMYs Call Out Apple Music For Its Inaccurate And NSFW Description Of BTS Jungkook’s “GOLDEN”

Apple Music edited it.

BTS Jungkook‘s debut solo album GOLDEN was released today, and ARMYs have been happily streaming.

ARMYs noticed that the music streaming app Apple Music had a description for Jungkook’s discography. They were shocked to read it.

Apple Music described “Seven (feat. Latto)” as being about “the power of good sex,” while “3D (feat. Jack Harlow)” is about “the limits of good phone sex.” ARMYs were shocked by the unprofessional and crude description.

Some ARMYs have also noticed that Apple Music inaccurately described Jungkook in describing GOLDEN. It claimed that, unlike his fellow BTS members, Jungkook has not been interested in songwriting or producing, which, as any ARMY knows, is simply untrue. So, ARMYs are calling on Apple Music to edit both portions of GOLDEN‘s description.

Portions of the description have now been edited.

NSFW Moments

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