ARMY’s Are Celebrating ARMY Day By Helping Others In Need

ARMYs show some major love to those in need.

It’s almost time for ARMYs to celebrate their birthday! In celebration of the big event, fans are banding together to help out those in need.

July 9 marks the day BTS‘s fandom got their official name, ARMY.


Throughout the month of July, ARMYs are supporting Thirst Relief, which is a non-profit organization that provides clean water to families in need.


They are able to do this by launching and sustaining water projects in impoverished areas. While Thirst Relief gets things established in an area, ARMYs will help by raising money for biosand filters.

These filters are designed to get clean water to schools and households as well as providing water for clinical use.


This time around, the money donated will be going to help families in Tanzania.


The movement has already taken on steam and many ARMYs have shown their support by either blasting the news or donating to the cause.


It has already gained so much attention that within 20 minutes of being announced the campaign had raised enough money for 1 filter and within a few days, ARMYs had already raised enough money to be able to provide an entire village with clean water!


This isn’t the first time that ARMYs have shown off their compassionate side and helped out for a good cause. They’ve done everything from donating 100kg of rice to raising money to help children with disabilities.


BTS are likely very proud of all their hard work. Happy birthday, ARMY!

Source: @OneInAnArmy


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