HIGHLIGHT’s Yong Junhyung Denies He Is Other Singer In Hidden Camera Chatroom

Around Us Entertainment has issued an official statement.

HIGHLIGHT‘s Yong Junhyung and his agency, Around Us Entertainment, officially responded to rumors that he is one of the celebrities in the KakaoTalk chatroom where hidden camera footage was shared.


SBS FunE, who has been spearheading the Burning Sun Case, recently reported that Seungri and 2 other male singers shared illegally filmed hidden camera videos of women who were secretly filmed. They confirmed this by obtaining a KakaoTalk chat log from  January 9, 2016.


Reports later labeled one of the 2 male singers in the chatroom as “singer Yong.” Since Yong is not a common family name in Korea, netizens soon began speculating that “singer Yong” was HIGHLIGHT’s Yong Junhyung.


Junhyung’s agency Around Us Entertainment has recently issued a statement denying that the singer involved in the chatroom was Junhyung.

“We have confirmed ourselves that ‘singer Yong’ is not Yong Junhyung. It is a groundless rumor.”

— Around Us Entertainment 


The agency further clarified the situation. The agency stated that the messages from “singer Yong” shown on SBS‘s News 8 program as part of the report were from one-on-one conversations between Junhyung and Jung Joon Young from 2016. They revealed that Junhyung had never been in a group chat with Jung Joon Young.

“We are writing because of the news reveal of singer Jung Joon Young’s KakaoTalk chatroom which SBS’s News 8 made a report on March 11 about. We understand that people are saying that ‘singer Yong’ that is shown in the contents of the conversations from the group chatroom is Junhyung. Yong Junhyung has no connection to the filming or sharing of illegal videos and has never been in a chatroom where Jung Joon Young’s illegal camera videos were shared.

Additionally, we have confirmed he has never been in a chatroom with him at all. We directly confirmed the conversation shown on the news was a one-on-one conversation between the two when Jung Joon Young was having a hard time due to personal matters. In regards to the simulated group chatroom screenshot that was shared in the news, we plan to verify with SBS News for authenticity. It is true that Jung Joon Young is his friend, however, being caught up in the matter simply for being friends has made everyone who knows Junhyung feel wronged. We will take strict legal action in case of damage to our artists’ reputation if the spread of false information continues to be spread. We hope that fans, will be able to relax and we ask for your continued interest and support for the five members of HIGHLIGHT.”

— Around Us Entertainment


Yong Jun Hyun soon made his own personal through his Instagram, reaffirming that he has taken no part in the recent scandals.

안녕하세요 용준형입니다 저조차도 혼란스러운데 저때문에 걱정 혹은 분노하신 분들이 많은 것 같아 이렇게 직접 글 올립니다 금일 보도된 내용에 제가 이번 사건에 동참하였거나 혹은 연루되어있다는 말을 들었을때 정말 당황스럽고, 사실 여부를 떠나 이런 일에 연관되어 이름이 거론되었다는 사실에 다시 한번 저를 돌아보게 되었습니다. 앞뒤 상황을 배제하고 짜깁기되어 보도된 내용은 전혀 사실이 아니며, 저는 이런 내용을 들었을 당시 그런 일들이 있다는 것도 인지하지 못했었습니다. 제가 정말 무심코 반문했던 말에도 잘못이 있다고 생각하실 수 있습니다. 앞으로는 모든 언행을 좀더 신중히 하도록 하겠습니다. 용준형 올림

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“Hello, this is Yong Jun Hyung.

Although I’m also taken aback, I decided to personally write this message for the many people who may be worried or even angry. I was very surprised when today’s news claimed I took part in or was somehow connected to the recent scandals. The fact that I was even mentioned in these scandals made me reflect back on myself. The reported story that was put together while excluding contexts is not true at all, and I wasn’t even aware that these events were happening before the reports came out today.

I’m sure people may think I’m making a mistake saying I didn’t really know. I will make sure to be more careful in everything I do from now.

From Yong Jun Hyung”

— Yong Jun Hyung 


Currently, investigations into the chatroom are ongoing as new evidence continues coming to light.

Burning Sun Scandal

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