Ashnikko Dishes On Co-Writing TXT’s “Frost”—Here’s Her True Feelings On How It Turned Out

There’s definitely some Ashnikko flavor in “Frost.”

MOAs fell in love with TXT‘s “Frost” from their The Chaos Chapter: Freeze album and many are just finding out artist Ashnikko co-wrote the hit song!

| @txt_members/Twitter

For those who may not know the popular artist, Ashnikko is an American rapper and singer! She is known for several huge hits such as “STUPID,” Daisy,” “Slumber Party,” and many more! Many fans were not aware the blue-haired rapper participated in the songwriting since she used her real name (Ashton Casey) in the song credits.

Ashnikko helped co-write TXT’s “Frost” alongside Jacob Manson and Gina Kushka and discussed the experience creating it in her recent interview with MNE.


Ashnikko shared that after co-writing “Frost,” she sent the hyper-pop, trap-based song over to TXT in English. Once in the hands of the members and their team, the song was then translated to Korean.

I wrote that song with Jacob Manson and Gina Kushka, we wrote it in English, sent it over…and they translated it to Korean, and it all came about.

— Ashnikko

| @txt_members/Twitter

As for the results, Ashnikko shared that she is very pleased with how the song turned out. The rapper/singer expressed that she loves the way TXT took the song and made it their own! Overall, this collaboration was clearly a huge success!

I’m super happy they took our song. It sounds really good, they totally reinvented it and made it spectacular.

— Ashnikko

| @ashnikko/Twitter

Many MOAs commented can definitely hear Ashnikko’s flavor in the song and some instantly thought of her before discovering she helped co-write “Frost.”

Check out “Frost” below:

Source: NME


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