Popular Rapper Under Fire After Prosecutors Confiscate Bank Account

“This guy is whining when he is in the wrong.”

Rapper B-Free is being criticized after attempting to call out the government.

B-Free | W Magazine

On October 5, the rapper uploaded a picture to his Instagram. In the picture, a text message states that prosecutors have confiscated his bank account due to not paying a ₩50,000 KRW (about $37.20 USD) fine.

Mr. Choi Sung Ho, as per request from the Northern Seoul Prosecutor’s Office, your Shinhan Bank account has been confiscated. Please pay ₩50,000 KRW (about $37.20 USD) to the prosecution office.

— Shinhan Bank

The rapper criticized the government in his post and claimed that confiscating his bank account was too harsh.

You confiscated my bank account over ₩50,000 KRW (about $37.20 USD). I’ve committed a serious crime. Why don’t you bring clubs and handcuffs next time? You must be so busy playing god.

— B-Free

In a previous post, in which the rapper first revealed that his account had been confiscated, B-Free admitted that he hadn’t paid the fine for several months.

  • Fan: Hyung, I think the account was confiscated because you didn’t pay a fine.

  • B-Free: I mean, is it normal for the country to confiscate my account because I didn’t pay a fine for several months? Especially when they stop me from doing anything every chance they get.

Korean netizens reacted to the rapper’s post negatively, with many criticizing B-Free for not taking accountability for his own finances.

  • “The government wouldn’t confiscate your account over one missed payment. Are you sure you haven’t ignored the bills for several months?”
  • “I think it isn’t normal that you haven’t paid in months. There is a reason why they confiscated your account.”
  • “Of course, they should confiscate the account if you didn’t pay. Then should they allow you to not pay?”
  • “This guy is whining when he is in the wrong.”
  • “Honestly, you’re incredible… Are you blaming this on the country, too? It was legendary how you filmed them not picking up when you called them during lunch, LOL.”
  • “I wonder if you have any common sense… Please study…”
  • “I mean, hyung, are you unable to pay ₩50,000 KRW (about $37.20 USD).”

What are your thoughts?


Source: wikitree
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