BABYMONSTER’s Ahyeon Communicates With Fans In Different Language To Defy Her Manager

Best girl ever!

BABYMONSTER‘s Ahyeon is known for how well she treats her fans. She never fails to entertain fans, even while on the move at the airport.


During a recent trip to Singapore, a fan had tried to pass her a handmade gift at the airport. The fan claimed to have spent hours on it. Ahyeon looked sorry that she was unable to take the gift as YG Entertainment staff often prevent fans from giving anything but letters to their artists.

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Ahyeon used Chinese to tell the fan to pass it to her secretly at a later time. As her manager could not understand Chinese, Ahyeon was able to receive the gift.

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Fans were extremely touched at Ahyeon’s actions.

Fan: “Ahyeon, I really spent a long time making this. I really spent a long, long time.”

Ahyeon: “Give it to me later secretly!”

Fan: “Okay! Guess the manager doesn’t speak Chinese!”

Caption: “I originally only planned on asking her to make a heart with me, but she suddenly said…”

Ahyeon: “That’s so pretty!”

Fan: “I really spent so long on it!”

Caption: “Then, she interacted with other fans here.”

Fan: “Thank you!”

Many were touched at how kind Ahyeon was.

Fans hope that they would never give her a manager that speaks Chinese!

This is not the first time that idols have defied their managers to take gifts from fans. Previously, BLACKPINK‘s Jennie had a similar experience. You can read about it below.

BLACKPINK’s Jennie Wasn’t Supposed To Accept Gifts But What She Did Will Touch Your Heart


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