[★BREAKING] BEAST announces official launch of their new label

BEAST has announced the launch of their new label and clarified that they will maintain a friendly relationship with their former agency, Cube Entertainment. 

On December 16th, reports confirmed that BEAST will start their new activities as a group through their own label, Around US Entertainment.

The newly-established label spoke in behalf of BEAST through a press release.

“Hello. This is Around Us Entertainment. With the new year and a new beginning ahead of us, Around US, as a companion in the second chapter in the lives of our artists (Yang Yoseob, Yong Junhyung, Yoon Doojoon, Lee Kikwang, and Son Dongwoon) has decided to write this greeting in order to make this beginning a little bit special.

First of all we would like to thank the fans for sticking by the artists and believing in them when things were hard. The artists were able to wait patiently thanks to the love of the fans. We believe the last 7 years were even more valuable and the times to come even more precious because of that trusting and endearing relationship between the fans and artists.

Around US Entertainment as a name was decided due to the fact that the artists wanted to reach out to more fans, more often. And like the name suggests the artists want to be ‘around us’ constantly and provide us with more music and content. We are going to support the artists fully in this venture so that they can pursue their career in music, performance, acting and other fields as much as they wish to. We will always be thankful through these activities and try our best to be as communicative as possible.

There is a long road ahead for the artists and we promise to do our best to make their work as enjoyable as possible. We hope you look upon us with fondness as we tread the path ahead together with the artists.

Once again, we like to thank everyone for their love, for making it possible for the artists to be here right now. We always wish you the best health and happiness.”

— Staff of Around US Entertainment

BEAST assured fans and the public that they would continue to maintain friendly relationships with Cube Entertainment.

“Also we would like to thank Cube Entertainment’s CEO Hong Seung Sung and the executive staff for creating and raising BEAST until now.”

However, Cube Entertainment revealed in a statement that nothing has been decided about the use of the group name BEAST. The statement is below:

“Nothing has been discussed with regard to the rights to use the name ‘BEAST’ after the news of Around US was released.”

— Cube Entertainment

Since their contracts expired back in October, BEAST has been working on establishing their own label, despite negotiations from Cube Entertainment. Former member Jang Hyunseung, on the other, recently resigned with Cube Entertainment to focus on his solo activities.

Source: Newsen

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