BIGBANG’s Taeyang Gets Real With BTS’s Suga About The Downsides To Fame

Taeyang shares the lessons he’s learned as a 17-year idol.

BTS Suga‘s Suchwita is back with its third episode, and as the host, Suga was awestruck by his special guest.

After BTS’s RM and prominent MC and comedian Shin Dong Yup (also stylized as Shin Dong Yeob), Suga had top 2nd-gen idol group member BIGBANG‘s Taeyang as a guest on his program.

BTS’s Suga | @agustd/Instagram
BIGBANG’s Taeyang | @_youngbae_/Instagram

Taeyang recently made his first comeback in six years with the song “VIBE,” featuring BTS’s Jimin. With the epic collaboration, two worlds seemed to collide as the members of two pioneering K-Pop groups finally worked together.

Taeyang shared that while BIGBANG and BTS didn’t have many opportunities to meet before with conflicting promotional schedules, Taeyang was aware and grateful that members of BTS admired BIGBANG.

As two idols who have seen unprecedented global success, Suga took the opportunity to ask Taeyang for his wisdom and advice as an industry senior.

Suga shared that he personally had looked up to BIGBANG since he was a kid and part of his inspiration to becoming an idol came from watching the group.

One of the topics they discussed was the separation of fame and who they are as individuals. Suga shared that he had wanted to ask Taeyang if he felt empty or lonely after stepping off the stage and leaving the rush of a live performance.

Taeyang shared that he felt a distinct gap between being “Taeyang” and “Dong Youngbae” (his legal name) but didn’t necessarily share in the experience of feeling empty when transitioning into the quiet reality of Dong Youngbae.

Taeyang went deeper into the topic, explaining that when he was in his early 20s, he frequently wondered how to keep his fame and gain more attention. The struggle added pressure to his life, but he learned a way to navigate it. He shared this wisdom with Suga,

The most important thing is what kind of people you surround yourself with. Whether its your members or the staff close to you, you need people who can be objective and say no.

— Taeyang

Taeyang shared that once idols reach a certain level of fame, it’s hard to find people who can be objective with them. While Taeyang may not have always valued the objective advice or input he received, he later realized it was the most valuable.

Suga agreed, relating to the issue by saying,

Because at a certain point everyone just wants to please you.

Taeyang further shared that when idols become surrounded by people that only agree with them, it can become a toxic situation.

Luckily, Suga actively focuses on remaining grounded and staying in the “right mindset,” remaining humble, for which the BTS members are known.

For more on Suga’s Suchwita with Taeyang, check out the article below!

BTS’s Suga Exposes His Entire Group As The Biggest VIPs To BIGBANG’s Taeyang

Source: YouTube
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