BigHit Releases Final TXT “Questioning” Teaser, Featuring Taehyun

This new teaser is the last one in the series.

BigHit Entertainment has released the fifth and final individual teaser in a series of Tomorrow X Together (TXT) “questioning films”. Now that Taehyun‘s teaser is out, there are no more countdowns, which means that TXT’s official debut is coming soon!


The first installment in this series featured Soobin in a garden of blue and white flowers with a praying mantis. The Morse code at the end spelled out “tomorrow”.


24 hours later, the second questioning film featured HueningKai and a leopard gecko went public. His Morse code message spelled out “secret”.


The third film, for Beomgyu, also took place in nature and it featured a delicate butterfly. Beomgyu’s Morse code message translates to “hope”.


24 hours ago, the fourth teaser, featuring Yeonjun, dropped. His symbolic animal is a caterpillar and his Morse code message says, “promise”.


Like the previous teasers in this series, the fifth teaser takes place in nature and focuses on the series’ “what do you see?” theme. Taehyun’s symbolic animal is a parrot and his Morse code message says, “clue”. This teaser is the final one in the “questioning film” series.

Check it out here.

TXT's Debut

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