BLACKPINK’s Mentor Lisa Returns To Give BABYMONSTER’s Pharita And Chiquita Advice On Their Dancing

She gave them honest and supportive feedback.

From being a mentor on the Chinese show Youth With You, BLACKPINK‘s Lisa is known for giving trainees valuable advice on their dancing. So BABYMONSTER‘s Chiquita and Pharita were ready to hear whatever wisdom Lisa offered to share.

Lisa | @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

In Chiquita’s introduction video, she and Pharita met Lisa. They asked their senior if she could look at their dance video. Lisa immediately turned serious as she monitored their dance.

Afterward, Pharita and Chiquita asked Lisa for any comments she had. Speaking in their native language Thai, Lisa praised them for doing well, especially on unstable footing.

I think it’s amazing how you can both dance like this in high heels. How can you do that at your age?

— Lisa

Since Chiquita is the newest trainee with the least experience, Lisa recognized her natural talent. Lisa said, “Even though you haven’t trained for long, you’re just as good as the other girls Chiquita.

For Pharita, Lisa offered some advice on how to look more confident on stage and stabilize her gaze.

You have to make sure [of] where you want to look. For example, you want to focus on the camera, on the center camera. Just, let’s try.

— Lisa

Lisa acknowledged that Pharita and Chiquita “still might feel embarrassed or shy” when performing but reassured them not to be. She cheered them on, “Don’t be shy. Let’s do it, girls!

See Lisa being a supportive senior to the BABYMONSTER members.

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