THE BOYZ’s Kevin Gets Flamed After Allegedly Targeting Former Agency On Social Media

THE BOYZ‘s contracts with IST Entertainment have recently come to an end. After a long seven years with the company, the boys will be moving on to One Hundred.
To celebrate, Kevin uploaded a photo of him with a sticker of Dobby from Harry Potter.
It is a reference to the popular meme, “Dobby is free,” when Dobby the slave elf is released from his shackles at the Malfoy house.
Although Kevin’s post seemed to have been made in good humor, netizens wondered about the necessity of the post. As the entertainment industry is small, many felt that he should have taken that into consideration and ended things on good terms.

- His previous company treated them well, so why are they like this? Was there really something we didn’t know about?
- He’s going to continue to work in the same industry, so that’s kind of…
- Huh? Was his old company bad?
- They probably don’t want to give them the trademark rights now.
- Why is he like that?
- Seems like he’s the type to not think things through.
- Why is he like that? They can just curse the company out privately, or host a congratulatory party for themselves. Why is he doing that to make people try to guess things?
- Why is he like that?
IST Entertainment and their current company are currently feuding in the media. You can read more about it below.
IST Entertainment Exposes THE BOYZ New Agency’s Alleged Lies Over Trademark Rights