BTS Debit Cards Are Dropping Soon, And Here’s What You Need To Know

There’s a special reason why they were chosen!

The KB Kookmin Bank in Korea will be releasing a BTS debit card next month, the latest piece of their partnership with BTS.


It was also revealed that KB Kookmin Bank’s partnership with BTS came out of a conversation the company president had with his daughter.

His daughter suggested that KB’s commercials needed to connect with younger people, not just those who are well-versed in finance.


In order to target young people in their 20s to 30s, BTS was chosen as the new model for KB Kookmin Bank.

Their recent commercial has over 7.8 million views on YouTube, making it the highest viewed video on KB Kookmin Bank’s channel.


The promise of a BTS debit card is sure to attract even more young customers to us their banking services.

With BTS’s world tour coming up, ARMY’s are saving up every penny they can find.


Although KB Kookmin Bank has yet to release what the debit cards will look like, some ARMYs from around the world have begun to imagine the possible designs!

Source: Seoul Finance


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