BTS’s Jimin Edited His Name On Instagram, And Fans Are Debating What It Could Mean

What do you think it means?

Since the members of BTS opened their own personal Instagram accounts back in December last year, some of them have made a few changes to their profiles, as most of us do over time.

For example, Jungkook changed his iconic @abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz username to @jungkook.97, as he explained, “Because it was too long…

The most recent change, however, seems to be one that Jimin has made, and fans are speculating on what it could mean!

The change isn’t seemingly a major one, though it is substantial enough that it might suggest something coming up in the BTS member’s future: He edited his name on the app from “JIMIN of BTS” to simply “JIMIN”.

Comments on the Twitter post are full of fans’ speculations, from finally getting some official solo releases from Jimin…

… To him simply feeling like expressing himself as the talented individual that he is.

Others are simply glad to see that he’s being active on the platform!

Interestingly, he now joins four other members — Jungkook, J-HopeV, and RM — to not have BTS in their Instagram name…

… While the other two, Suga and Jin, do.

Only time will tell if it really means anything or not, but in the meantime, theories will probably continue to be spread around!


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