This BTS Jimin Fansite Is Going Viral For Their Realistic “Photographs” Despite The Pandemic

Fansites can’t take pictures lately, so they got clever.

BTS Jimin‘s fansite Slow Starter, known as @slowstarter1013, is gaining attention for their stunning pictures of Jimin…but these aren’t your ordinary fansite photographs.

Upon first glance, you might assume the fansite took these photographs at various concerts and events of BTS.

However, since events do not allow the audiences to attend because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it would have been impossible for anyone to obtain these photos. And it’s true… these pictures are actually not photographs!

They’re high definition screencaps that are cropped and edited to look like hand-taken photos.

These amazing editing skills are certainly fulfilling ARMY’s need for high-definition fansite content that they’ve been lacking during the pandemic.

It’s hard to believe the pictures below are not actual photographs but simply redefined screenshots!

Slow Starter‘s gorgeous pictures allow fans to once again see the glory of high-definition still photos of Jimin from each BTS performance…

…and ARMYs are cherishing every pixel of them! Hopefully, ARMYs will be able to meet BTS again and take actual photos of their biases soon!


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