The #1 Thing BTS’s Jin Learned From Being Part Of The Group For 11 Years

It’s a heartwarming answer.

BTS‘s Jin sat down for an interview with W Korea following the completion of his mandatory military service.

BTS’s Jin

He touched on a variety of topics ranging from his impressive performance as a new recruit to his work as a K-Pop idol. Regarding the latter, he also quickly looked back on his career thus far.

BTS | @BTS_twt/X

BTS is considered one of the most successful K-Pop groups in history. They have released numerous hit songs since their debut in 2013.

In the interview, Jin was asked to name the number one thing he learned from being in BTS.

Last June, BTS celebrated the band’s 11th anniversary. What important lesson did you learn from those 11 years?

W Korea

Out of everything he has internalized as a singer these past eleven years, what he finds most important is to always live happily.

The lesson I learned is to ‘just live happily.’ We all perceive the same situation differently. I try to let go of things as quickly as possible.

— Jin


He refuses to dwell on the hurtful or stressful things in life no matter how plentiful they may be in his line of work. According to Jin, “remembering the good things” is necessary to live a good life.

I don’t get stressed a lot. I often remind myself that the world is full of happiness (laughs). There are times when I do feel stressed, but I try my best to minimize it.

What’s done is done, and you can’t rewind the clock. It’s better to move on and focus on remembering the good things. That is the biggest lesson I have learned.

— Jin

With this in mind, what makes him happiest nowadays is being able to go back to work. He is currently working on a solo album and is excited to meet fans more often.

These days, I feel happiest when I am working. We all have to work, so someone who feels happy while working would be a truly happy person. I hope this feeling continues as long as possible.

— Jin

Jin was discharged from the army on June 12, 2024.


Source: W Korea


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