BTS Jin’s Reaction To Being Caught Barefaced And “Ugly” At The Airport Goes Viral

BTS‘s Jin was not expecting to find a flock of media reporters and fans at the airport, so it seems. His reaction to having cameras lined up at Incheon International Airport is now going viral for being, well, quite “unrelatable.”

Departing to Los Angeles, California for a schedule that had not been announced, Jin showed up at the airport in his casual and comfortable look.
So, when his fans and reporters from media outlets like Dispatch and Newsen caught up with him, Jin regretted not having been more presentable…
241004 석진 출국
어우- 못생겨서 찍으시면 안되는데-
아우- 오늘 못생겨서 안되는데-곤란한데-
나와계실 줄 알았으면 내가 메이크업이라도 하구왔찌이-— ㄹㄹ (@1204_roro) October 4, 2024
Oh, no… I can’t be photographed like this, I don’t look good today. Nooo…! This can’t be happening, I’m ugly right now. This is not good! Had I known you’d be here, I would’ve worn some makeup or something…!
— Jin
…except Jin’s fans found him to be as presentable as ever! In response to him calling himself “ugly,” Jin’s fans asked, “Does he not know what ugly means?”

- “Wait, so if he’s not wearing makeup… How is his skin so glowy? So natural and good-looking.”
- “Don’t get me started.”
- “…? And what difference would the makeup make? LOL. So confused.”
- “Um… So what, are we supposed to think he looks different? LOL. He’s all covered up but his handsomeness is screaming through the mask.”
- “So handsome.”
- “F*cking gorgeous. I’ve never seen someone who had to adjust their baseball cap strap that tight… His head must be tiny.”
- “Ugly? He thinks he can look ugly? Yeah, he wishes. Being ugly isn’t easy. He’ll never be ugly. Ever.”
- “I love him. My prince.”
- “Does he not know what ugly means, or…?”
Watch World Wide Handsome’s unexpected but undoubtedly un-ugly airport look here: