BTS’s Jin Gets Honest On Just How Impressive He Was As A New Recruit In The Army

BTS‘s Jin recently sat down for an interview with W Korea.

He touched on a variety of topics regarding the end of his military enlistment. One of them was the fact that he was appointed an assistant drill instructor, an opportunity that is only given to those who exhibited exemplary physical prowess during the training period.
Considering that the qualifications to be one include “hitting 18 or more out of 20 shots in shooting, finishing a 3-kilometer run within 12 minutes and 30 seconds, and passing army combat fitness test,” it was a great honor for the K-Pop idol.
Though he did not start the training at the peak level of athleticism, he eventually got there through hard work. He even became one of the new recruits who consistently scored among the highest in running.
At first, it was challenging for me to run 3 kilometers within 15 minutes. However, I gradually got in shape as I practiced running every day. When I was a new recruit, I always finished running in the top ranks. I suppose I was able to get promoted to elite soldier because I have built up the stamina to complete a 3-kilometer run.
— Jin
He attributed his impressive stamina to his career as a singer. When asked if he would have become an elite soldier without his experience dancing for hours at a time, he replied, “I don’t think so.” Since he was not born athletic, he was able to improve his health extensively by performing as a K-Pop idol.
I usually get easily exhausted, and I am not an athletic person.
— Jin
After his time in the army, he noticed that he has became much more fit.
Being a soldier did increase my stamina.
— Jin
Jin was discharged from the army on June 12, 2024 after 18 months of duty.