BTS’s Jin Shares His Unexpected Secrets To Happiness

Not everyone can say they’re happy when working.

BTS‘s Jin has given his second interview following Weverse Magazine since being discharged from the military. W Korea interviewed Jin, who opened up about his personal life and feelings about life.

BTS's Jin
BTS’s Jin

The interviewer asked Jin about happiness, encouraging the idol to describe moments in which he felt joy.

What are the things and moments that make you happy? Could you describe the moment of being yourself and feeling comfortable and joyful?

— W Korea


Jin unexpectedly revealed that he feels “happiest” when he keeps busy with work, which would explain why he started working again as soon as he was discharged. He hopes that he can maintain this sentiment.

These days, I feel happiest when I am working. We all have to work, so someone who feels happy while working would be a truly happy person. I hope this feeling continues as long as possible (laughs).

— Jin


The interviewer responded, “Happiness is often like gazing at a distant star.” They asked, “Do you have any word to share with people who feel that way?”

Jin revealed that he feels happy when he makes others laugh, so he often attempts to do so. He also finds negative thinking draining, so he tries to avoid it.

I feel happy when people around me laugh, which is why I try to make others laugh. This realization came to me over time. I believe everyone has their own path to happiness. Negative thoughts drain me.

— Jin

Jin concluded by wishing the readers a happy life. He said, “I hope everyone reading this interview lives a happy life. I wish all of you happiness always.”


Read more from Jin’s interview below.

Red Flags: BTS Jin’s Honest Take On What Ends Relationships For Him

Source: W Korea


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