BTS’s Jin Sets The Standard For How Much Money Is Appropriate For Wedding Gifts

BTS’s Jin recently appeared as the last guest for season four of KStarNextDoor4, hosted by Jonathan.

In the episode, they covered many topics, including Jonathan ignoring Jin’s texts, Jin’s struggle with making friends, and more.
They also talked about how much was appropriate for wedding congratulatory money.
I think the amount of congratulatory money a world star would give would be very different. I feel like the amount would be much bigger.
— Jonathan
However, Jin gave a surprising answer.
I give the standard amount regardless of whether or not I am close with them.
— Jin
He also shared his standard for how much young people should pay.
If they are just acquaintances or someone you work with, I’d pay 50,000 KRW. If they are a close friend, then 100,000 KRW. But if you gather the money with friends, the amount can look bigger. It’s different saying, ‘I paid 100,000 KRW’ and ‘The five of us put together 500,000 KRW. If I can pay more than I say, up to 200,000 KRW is the limit.
— Jin
When Jonathan asked, “So if I can, I can give up to 200,000-300,000 KRW?”
However, Jin clarified that 300,000 was too much, showing his standard for congratulatory money.
Watch the full episode below!