Small Fashion Brand Hand-Wrote A Message To BTS’s Jungkook After He Was Spotted Wearing Their Shoes

They had so much to say to Jungkook.

Back in February of this year, BTS‘s Jungkook was spotted walking down the airport in his usual black outfits.


A couple of months later in July, Jungkook was seen flying out at the airport but with the same sneakers as the one he was seen back in February!


It turns out the sneakers were a gift from a small fashion brand, called 23.65. The brand mainly features bulky shoes as well as casual streetwear items.


After Jungkook was spotted wearing the sneakers, the sales went through the roof for the small brand and the owner uploaded a handwritten letter to thank Jungkook and ARMYs for the support!

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방탄소년단 팬분들에게 안녕하세요. 방탄소년단을 더 빛나게 해주시는 멋진 방탄소년단 팬 여러분 저는 23.65라는 조그마한 브랜드를 운영하고 있는 28살 청년입니다. 정말 우연찮은 계기로 3년 반전 제가 방탄소년단 멤버분들에게 신발을 보내드렸던 적이 있었습니다. 정말 정말 너무 감사하게도… 그때 당시에 제가 처음으로 만들었던 신발을 정국님께서 신어주시고 공연을 해주셨던 적이 있었습니다. 당시 그 마음이 그저 한없이 감사하고 이후 저 또한 방탄소년단의 팬이 되었으며, 지금까지 방탄소년단의 노래를 정말 좋아하며 즐겨 듣고 있습니다. 그 이후 정말 감사한 마음을 표현을 하고자 싶었는데 지금 보다 더 어렸고 아무런 도움도 되지 않을 거 같은 생각에 알리지 않았었습니다. 금요일 직원분들과 워크숍이 있었는데 물놀이 후 한 팬분을 통해서 저희 신발을 신어주셨다는 걸 알게 되었습니다. 아마 팬분이 선물을 해주셔서 신어주시지 않으셨을까 싶은데 정말.. 항상 좋은 일에 동참하는 아미분들과 방탄소년단 멤버분들에게 진심으로 감사함을 느껴서 제가 어렸을 때 느꼈던 감정과 지금 느끼는 이런 정말 뿌듯함과… 행복을 같이 진심으로 나누고 싶어, 제가 부자는 아니지만 제가 갖고 있는 사비를 통해 같은 팬으로서 혹여 누가 되지 않는 범위 내에서 팬분들에게 …팬분들을 위한 제가 갖고 있는 조그마한 능력을 통해 양말이나 반팔 티셔츠를 만들어 제가 느끼는 감정을 나누고 싶어 아미 분들에게 작게나마 선물을 해드리고 싶습니다.어떻게 팬분들과 연락이 닿을 수 있을지 해서… 이렇게 손편지로나마 의견을 조심히 여쭈어봅니다. 글재주가 없고 워낙 악필이라.. 양해 부탁드리겠습니다. 끝으로 제 글로 인해서 불편하실 수도 있으실 텐데 끝까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 그리고 다시 한번 방탄소년단 멤버분들과 아미 팬분들에게 진심으로 고개 숙여 감사드립니다. #방탄소년단#아미팬분들#진심으로감사합니다🙏

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In his letter, he revealed that his connection with BTS went back as far as 2017 when he first created the brand. He had the opportunity to send BTS some of his sneakers and Jungkook had performed on stage with it during their rookie years!

About 3 and a half years ago, I had the opportunity to send the BTS members my shoes. And to my utmost gratitude… Jungkook wore and performed with the shoes that I made for the first time.

At the time, I was so thankful and I became a fan of BTS. I enjoy listening to their songs even to this day.

— 23.65 Owner


The owner believes a fan gifted their sneakers to Jungkook recently and thanked Jungkook for wearing them in public.

…a fan told us that he wore our sneakers again. I think he wore the shoes after a fan bought it for him, but really.. I felt so thankful to the ARMYs and the BTS members who are always participating in good deeds.

— 23.65 Owner


As a thank you, the owner announced that he will create a special limited edition socks or t-shirt to gift the ARMYs as a thank you!

With the small skillset that I have, I want to create socks or a tee to express the feeling that I’m experiencing and gift it as a small present to the fans.

— 23.65 Owner


Sold Out Kings are changing people’s lives without even meaning to!


Read 23.65’s full letter below:

To BTS’s fans,

Hello to all of the amazing BTS fans who help make them shine brighter. I am a 28-year-old who is running a small brand, called 23.65.

About 3 and a half years ago, I had the opportunity to send the BTS members my shoes. And to my utmost gratitude… Jungkook wore and performed with the shoes that I made for the first time. At the time, I was so thankful and I became a fan of BTS. I enjoy listening to their songs even to this day.

I wanted to express my gratitude but I was much younger then, and I thought it wouldn’t make any difference.

This Friday, my employees and I were playing in the water during our workshop when a fan told us that he wore our sneakers again. I think he wore the shoes after a fan bought it for him, but really.. I felt so thankful to the ARMYs and the BTS members who are always participating in good deeds.

Back then and even now, I feel proud and… I wanted to share my sincere happiness. I’m not rich but as a fellow fan and in hopes that I’m not annoying the fans, I want to use my personal funds to… With the small skillset that I have, I want to create socks or a tee to express the feeling that I’m experiencing and gift it as a small present to the fans.

I was wondering how I can get in touch with the fans, so… I carefully decided to hand write this letter. My handwriting isn’t great, so… I hope you understand.

Lastly, you may have felt uncomfortable by my letter but thank you for reading it to the end. And I once again bow my head deeply to sincerely thank the BTS members and ARMYs.

#BTS #ARMYFans #ISincerelyThankYou🙏

— 23.65 Owner


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