BTS’s RM Comforts A Heartbroken ARMY Who Just Got Dumped


Romantic relationships aren’t always easy, and sadly, some end in heartbreak. Although moving on is hard, having supportive friends can lessen the pain.

RM interacting with a fan at a fan meeting.

On May 4, an ARMY wrote a post about their breakup and career struggles on the Weverse app. Little did they know that RM would comment on it.

| Weverse

Oppa, I got dumped… And I didn’t make the cut for a job I applied for. AND I didn’t get an offer back after I interviewed for another job. I’m a mess these days, HAHA. I’m laughing through it because what else can I do?

— Fan

Like a true BFF, RM sided with ARMY. He assured this fan that whoever dumped them doesn’t, “know what they’re missing out on.” He also advised them to keep a positive attitude; it will attract good things!

| Weverse

They obviously don’t know what they’re missing out on. Anyway, fate works like that. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be—whether that’s with a person, with an artwork, or whatever else. You’ll attract what you put out, [don’t worry].

— RM


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