English Specialist Analyzes BTS RM’s Quality Of Speech At United Nations General Assembly

A well-known English Specialist in Korea analyzed his speech.

BTS‘s RM made history as he stood in front of the world to give an inspirational speech about loving oneself and eventually speaking oneself.


Dave, an English Specialist Creator in Korea, listened to RM’s full speech to analyze the quality behind his use of vocabulary and grammar.

“There was nothing awkward about his grammar or expressions. It’s not easy to speak English like that.”

— Dave


Someone even with English as their first language is prone to make mistakes in such an important speech, but RM’s speech was “clean” and “precise”.

“It’s common for people to make mistakes even if they know English well, but his speech was clean and precise.”

— Dave


Dave complimented RM’s choice to use an easy-to-understand level of English so that he can touch the hearts of not just English-speaking audiences but everyone around the world.

“I think the speech was more inspirational to people all around the globe because RM chose to make his points clear by using an easier level of English.”

— Dave


Is there anything that BTS and RM cannot make perfect? It appears not!


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