BTS’s Suga Is Tired Of Living In An Unfair Joseon Society

He’s had enough!

Whether it’s 2021 or 1821, BTS‘s Suga just can’t catch a break!

Suga (left) and Jin (right) | Run BTS!/V LIVE

In Episode 147 of Run BTS!, BTS continued their quest to suss out a thief, or should we say, thieves? After searching the Joseon-era BTS Village for clues, the members met up to share their findings — and suspicions. Unfortunately for Teacher Suga, he made the most wanted list.


Suga could explain away some clues, but the nail in his coffin was a tipoff that the thief wears white. Suga was the only member wearing white clothes. There was no way he could convince anyone of his innocence…unless?

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“I changed my clothes right before starting,” he insisted. “This isn’t what I was originally wearing.” RM didn’t believe Suga for a second. “What, you’re going to lie like this?” he asked. Um, yes. Obviously.

| Run BTS!/V LIVE 

Suga even dragged the staff into his scheme! The director could have called Suga out on his B.S., but where’s the fun in that? Instead, the director gave a vague explanation that Suga used to his advantage.

| Run BTS!/V LIVE 

Outraged by the unfairness of the situation, Suga scolded his members for the way they interpreted the clues. He claimed, once again, that he hadn’t originally worn white.

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“But why did you choose to wear this?” J-Hope asked. A fair question, to be sure. “I didn’t choose, they gave it to me!” Suga cried, throwing a fit.

| Run BTS!/V LIVE 

Suga’s defense was paper-thin at best. Everyone knew it, but even so, Suga squeezed apologies out of RM and Jungkook. He was innocent!

| Run BTS!/V LIVE 

Except he wasn’t. Suga and Jin were the thieves after all, and they got the punishment they deserved!


Check out more from the episode here:

Here’s 20 Moments From “Run BTS!” Episode 145 That You Need To See


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