Police Reveals Details Of BTS Suga’s Testimony

Suga claimed to have only had one drink.

This article is part of our coverage of BTS Suga’s DUI Case. You can read more and view the entire timeline here.

The police investigation into Suga’s drunk driving incident has now ended.

Korean media recently reported that BTS’s Suga is currently under investigation by the Yongsan Police Station for allegedly violating traffic laws related to driving an electric scooter under the influence. In South Korea, electric kickboards and electric scooters can only be rented and operated with a valid license, reflecting strict safety regulations akin to those applied to cars.

According to police reports, Suga was found fallen down on the street on the night of August 6, 2024, following an alleged incident involving the operation of an electric scooter while intoxicated. A nearby patrol officer detected the odor of alcohol and subsequently took him in for further investigation.

In the most recent news report, the police stated to the media that after the officer in question had helped him up, Suga was brought to the nearest police station. There, Suga had complained about knee pain and claimed to have “only driven for a short while after having one glass of beer.”

Despite his claims, his breathalyzer test revealed a result between 0.08 to 0.2%, which could result in the revocation of Suga’s license. A 0.08% result in males of average height and weight suggests 4 to 5 drinks in the past two hours, while a 0.2% result suggests over ten drinks and close to the blackout level. The exact percentage was not revealed by the police.

You may read the following to find out about the potential repercussions Suga may face.

Officials Weigh In On The Seriousness Of BTS Suga’s Scooter Drunk Driving Incident

Source: Joongang

BTS Suga’s DUI Case

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