“Burning Sun” Convicted Rapist Jung Joon Young Caught Flirting With, Kissing Women In France

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Earlier this year, on March 19, convicted rapist and Burning Sun Scandal contributor Jung Joon Young was released from prison after serving his five-year sentence. His convictions included sexual assault of intoxicated women as well as sharing inappropriate videos of women without their consent, and the length of time he was given to serve was deemed too short by many.

In addition to his arguably too-soon release, in May it was rumored that Jung was trying to make a return to the entertainment industry after previously saying that he would not. He allegedly had been meeting with producers and asking to work with them, and expressed his desire to join the music industry once more.
And now, once again, the singer-turned-criminal has been caught engaging with women in a club environment that has many wondering why he was allowed to be released from prison so soon if he was just going to apparently go back to the same behavior that got him there in the first place.
According to a French netizen who was attending a club in Lyon, France, Jung made an appearance at the establishment and, while the netizen was first unsure of his identity, quickly determined that it was the disgraced former singer.

OP shared their experience with Jung, stating that he offered to take their drinks when they realized they had received the wrong order. He then asked for the Instagram handles of OP and those in their group, and later, after gathering more information due to being worried about being mistaken and offending someone innocent, OP became more certain that it was, in fact, Jung Joon Young.
리옹에 계신 프랑스분의 정준영 리옹 클럽에서 본 후기 번역 요약하자면,
1. 글 작성자(프랑스인)이 친구들과 프랑스 리옹의 클럽에서 술을 주문했는데, 주문이 잘못 나옴. 버리기 아까워서 그냥 주위 사람들 줄까 했는데 갑자기 어떤 남자가 나타나 자기가 마시겠다 하면서 말을 걸어옴(이게 정준영) https://t.co/sw1LfWYlUf— 로렐라희 (@cutting_jott) July 8, 2024
“Here’s a summary translation of the situation described by the French OP who encountered Jung Joon Young in a club in Lyon, France:
1. The OP, a French individual, ordered drinks with friends at a club in Lyon, France, but received the wrong order. Rather than discard it, they considered offering it to people nearby. Suddenly, a man appeared and expressed interest in drinking it himself, and that man turned out to be Jung Joon Young.
2. The OP recognized Jung Joon Young immediately upon seeing his face, but was not entirely sure. In that state of uncertainty, JJY asked for the Instagram handles of the people in OP’s group, but because there was no data inside the club (typical France, haha), JJY took a picture of OP’s Instagram handle instead.
3. The OP remained unsure, so they took a good look at the guy’s tattoo and then later looked it up. At this point, OP was almost certain he was JJY.
Someone else at the club apparently pointed out that Jung was a “famous Korean singer,” while Jung was later seen flirting with and kissing another young woman there. While OP was concerned and considered intervening, they worried that they would escalate the situation and end up causing harm to the girl involved.
타투를 기억했다가 찾아봄. ㅈㅈㅇ인걸 거의 확신함.
4. ㅈㅈㅇ이 떠나고 어떤 다른 한국 남자가 ㅈㅈㅇ을 가리키며 저 남자 봤냐고, 저 남자 한국 유명 가수라고 알려줌 >> 여기서 ㅈㅈㅇ임을 백퍼 확신. 동행한 친구들에게 공유
⭐️5. 그 사이에 다른 프랑스 어린 여자한테 가서 존나 추근덕+키스중— 로렐라희 (@cutting_jott) July 8, 2024
“4. After JJY left, another Korean man pointed at JJY and asked, “Did you see that guy?” He informed them that the man was a famous Korean singer >> At this point, OP was absolutely certain it was JJY. OP shared this with their friends who were with them.
5. Meanwhile, JJY went up to another young French girl and was flirting and making out with her.
The OP was so shocked that they wanted to approach and intervene but instead decided not to show any interest in the POS. Also, the OP didn’t take things further because they feared that if they caused a scene, they might risk putting the young girl JJY was flirting with at harm. To prevent unnecessary videos or photos from being taken and circulated, they couldn’t take any action.
6. The next day, JJY followed the OP’s Instagram.”
Jung followed OP on Instagram, but it turned out that his account only had four followers, so was apparently new. OP also discovered that the former singer was having trouble finding work in Europe. The OP also says they don’t want to post any videos or share the name of the club for their own safety and for privacy reasons, and tells women to be on guard against Joon Young.
팔로워 4명인 새로 판 계정이었음ㅋㅋㅋ글쓴이는 이왕 이렇게된 거 ㅈㅈㅇ 정보를 좀 캐내려 했고, 글쓴이 신분 보안상 자세한 얘기는 못하지만 그는 현재 유럽에서 일을 구하는데 잘 안되는 모양 + 일거리 찾으러 유럽 돌아다니는 중이고 내일 스위스에 간다 함. ㅈㅈㅇ은 프랑스에 인맥이 있는 모양
— 로렐라희 (@cutting_jott) July 8, 2024
“It turned out to be a new account with only four followers, lol. Since it had come to this, the OP tried to dig up some information about JJY. OP said, for security reasons, they can’t go into detail about their identity, but they said JJY seem to be having a hard time finding work in Europe at the moment + traveling around Europe looking for job opportunities. He mentioned going to Switzerland tomorrow. JJY seems to have connections in France.”
The OP ended the thread urging women to be on guard—adding that a video was not provided as they were concerned about creating problems for herself and to the women. OP also refused to identify the bar when asked in the comments out of a concern for privacy.