Busan High School Student Jumps From Fourth Story Floor After Getting Caught Filming In Girls’ Bathroom

Illegal filming with the use of smart phones has become such a prevalent issue in countries such as Japan and South Korea that phone companies have implemented a non-silent feature when a person starts a recording. Thanks to this, it’s become much more difficult for people to secretly film others, particularly when it comes to men trying to film women in vulnerable or sexual ways without their consent.

This was the case recently for a male high school student in Busan who was trying to film inside a girls’ bathroom. The 12th-grade student, who was only identified as “A”, was caught trying to record a video inside the school restroom by girls occupying it.
When the girls heard the sound of the recording, they confronted “A”. Rather than admit to his illegal actions or try to deny them, however, he made the impulsive decision to jump from the fourth story floor of the school.
He did survive the jump, though he suffered from multiple fractures and is currently hospitalized. Once he’s discharged, the school’s administration is planning to conduct a thorough investigation to determine what kind of disciplinary action should be taken against “A”.