A New Couple Is Capturing The Hearts Of “Business Proposal” Fans Despite Their Lack Of Screen Time

They’re becoming our new OTP!

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The reasons why netizens worldwide are falling in love with the newest SBS K-Drama Business Proposal seem to be endless.

However, one of the main reasons is the relationship between the characters. Whether it is the main duo of Kang Tae Moo (Ahn Hyo Seop) and Shin Ha Ri (Kim Sejeong, also stylized as Kim Se Jeong) with their slow-burning love…

Kim Sejeong (left) and Ahn Hyo Seop (right) in “Business Proposal” | SBS

Or the quick-paced and exciting romance between Cha Sung Hoon (Kim Min Gue) and Jin Young Seo (Seol In Ah).

Kim Min Gue (left) and Seol In Ah (right) in “Business Proposal” | SBS

However, it seems like a new duo is quickly taking over the hearts of viewers and have recently cemented themselves as the true “IT” couple of the series. It’s none other than the head of Ha Ri’s department Yeo Eui Ju (Kim Hyun Sook) and deputy manager Gye Bin (Lim Ki Hong).

Kim Hyun Sook (left) and Lim Ki Hong (right) in “Business Proposal” | Netflix

At the start of the series, both of the characters seemed to lack any screen time but quickly had viewers falling in love with their humor and how much they care for Ha Ri.

In particular, many joked that they have a “Tom and Jerry” relationship as they both have extremely contrasting personalities, with Yeo Eui Ju being sterner and “grumpy,” whereas Gye Bin is softer and more sensitive.

| SBS 
| SBS 

As the series has gone on, despite their lack of screentime, they’re always together whenever they appear. They seemed inseparable, whether it was sitting on the bus together or going on a “not a date” trip to the cinema.

| SBS 
| SBS  

All of that cuteness and speculation meant that netizens couldn’t get enough when it was finally announced in a recent episode that the two were dating. Both characters compliment each other so well and, despite their differences, are definitely a true OTP (one true pairing).

| SBS  

Considering how amazing their chemistry is and the development of their relationship, it isn’t surprising that they’ve quickly become a fan favorite, even with a lack of screen time. Even in behind-the-scenes shots, the two actors showcase why fans love them so much…

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| @clean_0828/ Instagram

Hopefully, there will be a lot more Gye Bin and Yeo Eui Ji in the final few episodes. You can read more about the hot AF actor who plays Gye Bin below.

Mr. Gye From “Business Proposal” Is Actually Hot IRL—Meet Actor Lim Ki Hong

Business Proposal

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