Byeon Woo Seok Can’t Bring Himself To Read Comments From Fans — Here’s Why

He used to be able to read them, but now…

Actor Byeon Woo Seok recently gained fame through the hit K-Drama Lovely Runner. His recognition shot through the roof and he gained many new fans.

Byeon Woo Seok in Lovely Runner.

In a recent interview, he admitted to being unable to read comments from fans. While he used to be a frequent reader, the comments these days have him feeling some type of way.

“I’m someone who reads the comments frequently. My company uploaded a video, and I read the comments. They were so nice. As I read each and every one of them, I thought that I needed to do better. There’s so many who tell me that even though they were struggling, they were happy because of Seon Jae. Even though I write posts on my fancafe, I’m unable to read the comments on the posts. I feel like I’d cry if I read them. Once, I uploaded a post and thought to myself, ‘I should read the comments when I’m more emotionally stable later on.’ My manager told me, ‘Hyung, I don’t think you should read them now.’ He thought I’d cry.”

— Byeon Woo Seok

Interview snippet. | theqoo

He continued to explain that he totally felt how viewers feel when they watch the drama.

“Many people were comforted by Lovely Runner. As I’m a person too, before I am an actor, there were times where I deeply felt those emotions. When they tell me stuff like that, I truly feel that they are sincere. That’s why being an actor is such a beautiful job. We are able to comfort someone truly through our work, and give them happiness. I think I thought about that a lot. I met the writer of the drama recently, and they also had the same thoughts as me. Although I tried really hard to do well before Lovely Runner, I feel like I’m thinking such things more frequently these days.”

— Byeon Woo Seok

| Korea Times

Byeon Woo Seok and his co-star Kim Hye Yoon often talked about how filming the drama affected their emotions. As it was a rollercoaster ride of a show, it is only natural that the actors felt sensitive during filming times. With his emotions heightened, no wonder he felt overwhelmed by the immense love that he suddenly received!

Source: Theqoo
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