C9 Entertainment Release Statement Following Porn Star’s Comments About Cignature’s Jeewon — Netizens Outraged

There have been many complaints about Cignature being sexualized recently.

C9 Entertainment has addressed the controversy following an AV actress’s “inappropriate” comments about Cignature‘s Jeewon.

Ciganture’s Jeewon | MTV The Show

On June 20, reports slammed the popular YouTube show No Bbaku Tak Jae Hoon (romanized from 노빠꾸탁재훈) and the show’s featured guest, Yuna Ogura, who is a well-known Japanese porn star.

During the show, the AV actress asked Jeewon, who is a host on the show, to debut as a porn star.

Screenshot-2024-06-20-at-12.46.45 PM (1)
Tanaka (left) and Yuna Ogura (right)

I think you’ll be really popular since you have such a nice body. Please debut. I think you can really become a top (porn) actress. Seriously. I will help you.

— Yuna Ogura

Many found the comments inappropriate and directed complaints at C9 Entertainment, accusing the company of continuing to sexualize the idol.

On June 21, C9 Entertainment shared a statement on X, addressing the matter.

Hello, this is C9 Entertainment.

We would like to inform you regarding our artist Jeewon’s appearance on No Bbaku Tak Jae Hoon as a new MC.

Regarding the controversy that occurred in the episode featuring Tanaka & Ogura Yuna, we had a serious conversation with Jeewon about the contents over a long period of time.

Knowing the concept of the No Bbaku Tak Jae Hoon broadcast, Jeewon approached the filming with utmost dedication and without any emotional issues. During filming, both Tak Jae Hoon and Shin Gyu Jin actively discussed issues related to the content that could potentially trouble Jeewon. But Jeewon confirmed having no objections to the broadcast version shared by the production team in advance, adhering faithfully to her role on the No Bbaku Tak Jae Hoon channel.

C9 Entertainment will continue to communicate effectively with the No Bbaku Tak Jae Hoon  production team. We eagerly anticipate our artist Jeewon confidently fulfilling her part as a member of No Bbaku Tak Jae Hoon.

As Jeewon takes on this important role for a channel that so many love, we hope you’ll continue to support her. And we hope you will continue to support Cignature’s future activities as well.

Thank you.

— C9 Entertainment

Many have felt the company did not address the concerns of the fans fully, and expressed anger that C9 seemed to find no issue with the show.


Previously, Jeewon’s own appearance on this channel led to backlash and accusations of the hosts sexualizing her, which you can read more about below.

Netizens Continue To Raise Anger After A Fourth-Generation Female Idol Is Sexualized – Following Previous Complaints

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