Netizens Discuss The Possibility Of A Wanna One Comeback

Do you want to see them return?

Long-time K-Pop fans remember Wanna One as a legendary group formed through Produce 101. While the group disbanded after their contract ended, fans continued asking for a comeback.

| WakeOne

Recently, an online community board discussed the realistic possibility of whether the group would ever return altogether.

| @idolrush/YouTube

In a past video from Daehwi’s YouTube series, he revealed they received various offers to make a Wanna one reality show after seeing that almost half of the members had appeared on his show.

| @idolrush/YouTube

Hearing this, Ha Sung Woon and Bae Jin Young felt that instead of just making a reality show out of the blue, they should also prepare an album together.

Fans could not hide their anticipation, knowing that all the members were willing to reunite.

| @idolrush/YouTube

However, netizens were divided on the possibility of a complete group comeback.

스크린샷 2025-02-13 오후 12.16.48
| Nate Pann
스크린샷 2025-02-13 오후 12.19.55
| Nate Pann
  • “Their dream was promoting as Wanna One, so I think they will.”
  • “I think it’s possible to release an album for the 10th anniversary and hold a concert.”
  • “During Ong Seongwoo’s episode, they stated that Lai Kuanlin has left the industry, so I hope at least the 10 of them will make a comeback. Maybe three years later, after the older members return from the military and before the younger ones enlist.”
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| Nate Pann
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| Nate Pann
스크린샷 2025-02-13 오후 12.23.17
| Nate Pann
  • “It’s time to say goodbye to these oldies.”
  • “Impossible. It could be possible for a temporary event, but it’s time to leave them as a beautiful memory.”
  • “I don’t think it’s possible because some members are acting now and foreign members.”

What are your thoughts on this?

Source: nate pann

Wanna One

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