Netizens Discuss The Possibility Of A Wanna One Comeback

Long-time K-Pop fans remember Wanna One as a legendary group formed through Produce 101. While the group disbanded after their contract ended, fans continued asking for a comeback.

Recently, an online community board discussed the realistic possibility of whether the group would ever return altogether.

In a past video from Daehwi’s YouTube series, he revealed they received various offers to make a Wanna one reality show after seeing that almost half of the members had appeared on his show.

Hearing this, Ha Sung Woon and Bae Jin Young felt that instead of just making a reality show out of the blue, they should also prepare an album together.
Fans could not hide their anticipation, knowing that all the members were willing to reunite.

However, netizens were divided on the possibility of a complete group comeback.

- “Their dream was promoting as Wanna One, so I think they will.”
- “I think it’s possible to release an album for the 10th anniversary and hold a concert.”
- “During Ong Seongwoo’s episode, they stated that Lai Kuanlin has left the industry, so I hope at least the 10 of them will make a comeback. Maybe three years later, after the older members return from the military and before the younger ones enlist.”

- “It’s time to say goodbye to these oldies.”
- “Impossible. It could be possible for a temporary event, but it’s time to leave them as a beautiful memory.”
- “I don’t think it’s possible because some members are acting now and foreign members.”
What are your thoughts on this?