Korean Media Outlet Investigates The Truth Behind Park Seo Joon’s “Stiff” And “Unfriendly” Poses In Journalist Photos

People criticized him for not doing heart poses even when other celebrities did.

On July 27, Park Seo Joon attended an event for a Chanel’s Tweed de Chanel launch alongside many other actors and celebrities. As is customary at events, the press requested various poses from the stars. When Park Seo Joon was asked to do  various heart poses, he only waved his hand and smiled. News reporters and netizens wondered why he suddenly stopped doing heart poses, despite having done it countless times in the past.

Some fans even misinterpreted his intentions, believing that he didn’t do the heart poses as he was in the midst of dating rumors with YouTuber xooos.

In response to this, Park Seo Joon clarified his intentions through a letter on his fancafe, on August 7, 2023.

From the start, my heart was open to fans, so such requests became less embarrassing and I made up my mind to try my best. However, doing these posts in a public appearance was honestly difficult for me. I know I can just suck it up and do it, but it’s not easy to do. But on that day, even the people from the brand advised against requesting heart gestures, and I tried to follow that advice.

— Park Seo Joon

Following this, CBS No Cut News managed to obtain materials from Chanel regarding the Tweed de Chanel event. Chanel had indeed instructed all invitees to “pose naturally and chicly, refraining from finger hearts, cheek hearts, peace signs, etc.

During the event, many invitees including Park Seo Joon had followed the instructions strictly. But as the event approached its second half, it seemed that many press members were affected by the chic demeanour of the invitees. By the second half, in order to ease the atmosphere, other invitees began following the requested poses from the press, including heart poses.

The unintentional divide between the invitees’ poses later invited criticism and comparison from the public. Hopefully, this belated clarification will ease some of the negative responses from the public.

Source: No Cut News
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