Chanyeol’s Sister Park Yoora Announces Her Retirement From TV News Anchor

She explained everything through an Instagram post.

Park Yoora, who is also known as the older sister to EXO‘s Chanyeol, announced that she will be retiring from her job as an announcer and anchor on TV news channels.

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입사 이래 가장 밝은 표정을 퇴사하는 날 보여드리게 됐네요😅 클로징 멘트에서 말씀드린 것처럼, 좋은 기회를 만나 직장을 옮기게 되었어요. 방송국이 아닌 새로운 분야로 옮기다 보니 덩달아 직업도 바뀔 텐데, 저도 적응의 시간을 조금 갖고 천천히 소개해 드릴게요. 방송을 통해 찾아뵙지 못하는 건 아쉽지만, 멀리 보면 분명 더 행복할 수 있는 길이라는 확신이 들었어요. 우선 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 저녁 시간을, 주말을 온전히 보낼 수 있다는 데에 설레네요. 아나운서로, 앵커로의 제게 많은 응원 보내주셔서 감사했습니다. #박유라앵커 #박유라아나운서 #YTN #퇴사하는날 #도비는이제…🧦

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I ended up smiling as brightly as the day I started this job 😅

As I mentioned in my closing statement, I am switching jobs thanks to a good opportunity. As my new job isn’t related to broadcasting, I’ll introduce you to it after I’ve had time to adjust.

I feel unfortunate that I won’t be able to meet everyone through broadcasts anymore, but I’m sure that this will give me much more joy in the long run. I’m especially thrilled that I will be able to spend my dinner times and weekends with those that I love.

Thank you for everyone who cheered me on as an announcer and an anchor.

— Park Yoora


During an exclusive interview with YTN Star, the same company that she was anchoring for, Park Yoora emphasized how she wanted a stable career that she could commit to for a very long time.

I feel very unfortunate that I’ll have to give up broadcasting with my new career switch.

As the broadcast industry isn’t very stable as a career, I was thinking about getting a job that I will be able to hold for a long time into the future. By coincidence, I was given a good opportunity.

— Park Yoora


She also revealed that she is joining the finance sector! She was coincidentally given a great opportunity and decided to take the offer.

My new job will be in the finance sector.

I was able to find a job where my previous experience could be of use and so I was accepted after I took a test. It wasn’t through a public test but through a headhunter.

It hasn’t been long since I was given the offer so it still feels sudden to me too. I wanted to be in broadcasting for as long as I could but this new opportunity came very early. I believed it was necessary to grab an opportunity when it first presents itself so I made the decision to take the job.

— Park Yoora


Park Yoora has been an announcer and anchor on various top-level news broadcasting companies. She now leaves her broadcasting days behind and looks forward to a brighter future!

Source: YTN
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