Chungha Reveals What Her Ideal Type Of Guy Is Like

She shared which qualities she’s attracted to in a guy!

Chungha revealed the qualities she’s attracted to when it comes to her ideal type!

On the latest episode of Jessi’s Showterview, Chungha appeared as guest, and talked about tons of things, from her private life to her professional one!

On the topic of relationships, Jessi asked Chungha if she had a boyfriend, and Chungha confirmed that she currently did not have one!

The follow-up question to this centered around the kind of guys Chungha usually likes!

What kind of guys do you like?


Chungha then revealed that she’s attracted to guys that talk nicely, and those with a mischievous side!

I think I’m attracted to people who talk really nicely? Where you can start to have feelings from conversations. Let’s put it this way: super-serious vs super mischievous…I’ll go with super mischievous!


And Jessi completely agreed, listing qualities of her ideal guy as well! After that, however, she sagely imparted some hilarious advice for Chungha to heed!

Someone who’s gentle and but yet somewhat humorous…

But they’re hard to find, honey.


Chungha recently released a pre-release single titled “X”, and is set to release her first full album Querencia and accompanying title track “Bicycle”.

You can watch Chungha talk about her ideal type here!


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