Contracts Have Been Signed For “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” But Here Are The Current Problems With Production

Will we get to see it soon?

It was recently reported that ENA had signed a contract with writer Moon Ji Won for the production of a second season for Extraordinary Attorney Woo. While they have managed to get the original writer back on board, the production is facing more than one issue.

Firstly, it was stated to WikiTree by production company A Story, that Moon Ji Won is currently in the midst of other projects. As such, the timeline for Extraordinary Attorney Woo has been halted at the “developmental stage.”

On the other hand, one of the leads, Kang Tae Oh, who plays Lee Jun Ho on the show, is currently serving his time in the military. As he is not slated to be discharged until 2024 or 2025 (depending on early discharge possibility) fans are in despair. It is unclear if he will be replaced or if a new male lead character will be introduced instead.

At the same time, while ENA has signed a contract with writer Moon Ji Won, they have not yet signed any contracts with the actors thus far. Fans are insisting that the female lead will continue to be played by Park Eun Bin, who made the character of Woo Young Woo iconic. Despite this, the production team cannot confirm if they will be able to run with the cast from season one.

Source: Wiki Tree

Extraordinary Attorney Woo

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