“Controversial” Rookie Girl Group’s Shockingly Luxurious Dorm Arrangement

Before and immediately after debuting, it has been known in the past that idols were subjected to fairly basic and sometimes “rough” living conditions in dorms, including infestations and having to share rooms with a large number of people.

That couldn’t be any more different from the “controversial” rookie girl group QWER.

In a recent video, QWER’s manager appeared for a tour of QWER’s living arrangements. It was shockingly revealed that the company “owned” the whole building for the group…
And more shockingly, each member had their own house.
Leader and drummer Chodan was the first house they visited.
It was a shock straight away, as there was a living space and a room with an entire case of whiskey. It was definitely large and the fact she had a separate bedroom showcased the difference from other idols.
They then went to wake her up, and Chodan had a very good-sized bedroom separate from her living quarters.
Siyeon made an unexpected appearance as she lives next door, meaning fans didn’t get a look at her house.
Hina was the next member to have her house introduced.
While getting their own house is huge, it was revealed that the two oldest members had houses with three rooms each, and the maknaes had two rooms, which is a huge difference from many idols which are made for sharing rooms after debuting, with multiple people sharing a single living space.
The final reveal was Magenta, who, as the oldest, had three rooms.
When asked why the building was chosen in a fairly remote area, it was revealed that they wanted an entire building for the members. They also needed a practice room that would be soundproofed, but they also needed to ensure that it wasn’t in an area where the band rehearsals would cause “stress” to the locals.
It’s definitely a shocking arrangement for a rookie group.
You can read more from the video below.
“Slave Contract?” Controversial Girl Group Reveals The Shocking Amount Of Their Only Paycheck