K-Pop “Fans” Under Fire For Spamming Cupcakke’s Suicide Tweet With Disrespectful Messages

Alleged fans left the most horrific messages.

American rapper, Cupcakke, was recently hospitalized after police responded to her Tweet claiming that she was going to kill herself.


As many fans left desperate messages for Cupcakke to take care of her health and safety, a couple of alleged K-Pop fan accounts left disrespectful messages underneath her Tweet.


These horrific tweets told Cupcakke to stan their biases, a response that was neither necessary or appropriate.


One account even celebrated the fact that Cupcakke tried to end her life.


Another claimed that Cupcakke deserved it after “harassing Jungkook”.


The tweet refers to an incident back in November 2017, when Cupcakke admitted that she was attracted to Jungkook and that she wanted to “f**k” him.


She later revealed that she received death threats from alleged Jungkook fans after her Tweets went viral.


The disrespectful Tweets was circulated widely as netizens quickly shamed K-Pop fans for their rude response towards a critical situation.


Other K-Pop fans have risen up to clarify that the majority of the fandoms do not agree with the disrespectful Tweets. They want others to know that K-Pop fans send their condolences and best wishes for Cupcakke’s safety.

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