DAWN Thinks HyunA Isn’t Cool, He Explains Why She’s The Complete Opposite

What he said was unexpected.

Just like her newest comeback song title “I’m Not Cool,” DAWN Revealed that HyunA really isn’t cool. In fact, he says she’s the complete opposite.

In the behind-the-scenes video of their new music video for “I’m Not Cool,” rapper and boyfriend DAWN was asked, “Do you think HyunA’s cool or no?” He replied, “HyunA is not cool.

Coming from her boyfriend, DAWN’s answer was unexpected. But the reasoning was the coolest answer out there.

| @hyojong_1994/Instagram

Dawn shared that HyunA is the opposite of cool, “HyunA’s just really HOT.”

He explained, “The energy she brings to the performance, and the fact that everything she does becomes a headline. She is the hottest of all artists.” Well, he’s not wrong! HyunA is always the hottest in everything she does!

At this point, everyone knows that HyunA and DAWN are absolutely couple goals! They’re so supportive of one another, and the fans were touched by DAWN’s comment!

Check out the couple-goal moment below:

Source: Youtube


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