Popular Idol Openly Talks About His Trip To A Plastic Surgery Clinic And Procedures…On Bubble

We love his openness.

As time has passed, the things that K-pop idols are able and willing to share have greatly increased. In the past, idols might have been told to try to maintain their perfect image; however, many popular stars have no hesitation in sharing TMIs with their fans.

This includes the way some stars have openly discussed getting cosmetic work done, ranging from fillers to full-blown plastic surgery.

Jessi Gets Honest About Her History With Plastic Surgery, Hitting Back At Haters

Recently, DAY6‘s Dowoon took his own TMI’s to the next level.

DAY6 Dowoon | JYP Entertainment

On July 5, Dowoon shared a series of messages on Dear. U Bubble with fans, updating them about his day. Many were shocked by the idol’s sudden declaration that he had gotten Botox that same day.

He explained that his chin began to stick out due to him grinding his teeth. In addition to slimming the face down by reducing the size of the jaw muscles, Masseter Botox can also help stop teeth grinding (which can cause damage to teeth and headaches). 

| Dear. U Bubble

Dowoon: I got Botox today
Dowoon: because my jaw was sticking out.
Dowoon: Hehe.

Dowoon kept going, reminiscing on other cosmetic work he has done in the past. The idol shares that he had gotten filler in his nose around the time of his debut, which has since dissolved, according to the doctors.

| Dear. U Bubble

Dowoon: It sticks out because I keep grinding my teeth.
Dowoon: I went back to the plastic surgery clinic that I went to a decade ago.
Dowoon: When I debuted, I got fillers, too.
Dowoon: But apparently, those dissolve and disappear.

While there is nothing wrong with adults getting cosmetic work done, it is a bit amusing to see how Dowoon casually discussed on the platform.

You can check out Day6’s most recent release below.


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