“Digital Sexual Crime Out” Asks Why Goo Hara Should Suffer While Her Ex-Boyfriend Does Fine

They stated their support for Goo Hara.

Goo Hara was recently hospitalized after attempting to take her own life. News reports began to speculate that her recent legal battle with Choi Jong Bum, her ex-boyfriend, was one of the reasons why she decided to end her life.


Last December, Goo Hara and Choi Jong Bum were caught up in a physical assault case where it was later revealed that Choi Jong Bum threatened to release a video of them having sex.

“Koo Hara’s legs and feet after the incident.”


Digital Sexual Crime Out, an organization created to report and fight against sexual crimes on the internet, made a statement claiming it was wrong for Choi Jong Bum to be living his life well while the “female victim” Goo Hara was suffering.

DSO supports Goo Hara.

The offender Choi Jong Bum is living his life well, but why should the victim be the only one to suffer? Everyone who gossiped about the sufferings of a famous ‘female’ celebrity are also offenders who harmed her. #WeAreWithYouHara

— Digital Sexual Crime Out


DSO appears to be referring to how Choi Jong Bum had recently opened up a new hair salon and was seen celebrating its launch with a large group of friends.


Goo Hara had also returned to her activities but continued to receive backlash from netizens, even when she underwent double eyelid surgery to treat blepharoptosis. She had repeatedly expressed her distress from the malicious commenters through Instagram.

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어린 나이 시절 때부터 활동하는 동안 지나 온 수많은 악플과 심적인 고통으로 많이 상처 받아왔습니다. 아직 어린나이임에도 불구하고 안검하수를 하는 덴 다 이유가 있겠죠.. 오른쪽 눈에 불편함 때문에 제 자신을 아프지않게 돌보려고 하는 이유 중 하나입니다. 그렇지만 이제는 제 자신을 위해서라도 당당한 건 당당하다고 말하는게 맞다고 생각이 듭니다. 단 한번도 악플에 대해 대처를 해야겠다라는 생각은 하지않았습니다. 저도 하루하루 열심히 살고 있는 사람 입니다 어떤 모습이든 한 번이라도 곱게 예쁜 시선으로 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다 앞으로도 노력하는 모습, 행동으로 책임지는 사람으로 열심히 활동하는 모습 보여드리겠습니다 ! 감기 조심하세요.

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Ever since I debuted at a young age, I’ve suffered from a lot of malicious comments and psychological pain. Of course there was a reason why I got eye surgery at this young age.. One of the reasons why was because I no longer wanted to be hurt by the uncomfortable feeling in my right eye.

I feel it’s better for me to be confident about the things that I should be confident in. I never once thought I should take action against malicious comments. I’m also someone who just lives each day as best as I can.

I hope you can look upon me nicely no matter how I look. I will continue to work hard to become a better person who takes responsibility for her work!

— Goo Hara


If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or has had thoughts of harming themselves or taking their own life, please refer to your local confidential support for people in distress, as well as professional practices and resources that aid in prevention and crisis situations.

Source: E Daily

Goo Hara vs. Ex-Boyfriend's Assault Case

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