DONGKIZ Peaks On Charts For The First Time Since Debut After “Semantic Error” Success

Congratulations to the boys!

Yeokjuhaeng“— a term used when old songs suddenly begin to chart, it first came into mainstream use when girl group Brave Girls‘ song “Rollin'” made a legendary return in 2021. Thanks to the support from military men and YouTube‘s algorithm, “Rollin'” began to resurface and gained belated popularity years after release.

Following “Rollin'”, other songs began to chart belatedly, such as LABOUM‘s “Journey to Atlantis”. Now, in 2022, boy group DONGKIZ has finally made it onto the charts. As a rookie group, DONGKIZ debuted in 2019 officially but failed to chart through the years and they soon went into hiatus after their last release in July 2021.

However, as of March 14, 2022, both “LUPIN” and “Crazy Night” began charting on Bugs’ real time charts. “Crazy Night” hit 21st place and “LUPIN”, 98th. “LUPIN” was released in March 2020 while “Crazy Night” was released more recently in July 2021.

| Bugs
| Bugs

The newfound popularity was credited to member Jaechan‘s appearance in BL drama, Semantic Error. He played the prickly Chu Sang Woo who removed his group mate Jang Jae Young’s name from a project due to lack of participation. As Jae Young seeks revenge, they eventually fall in love.

Jaechan and actor Park Seoham in Semantic Error. | Semantic Error

Congratulations to the boys! Thanks to their newfound popularity and buzz, DONGKIZ has announced a comeback for March 2022. We can’t wait!.

Source: Newsen
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