DSP Media Girl Group APRIL Has Officially Disbanded

The group has disbanded.

DSP Media‘s girl group APRIL has officially disbanded.

In a statement posted on the group’s official fancafe, DSP Media announced that APRIL has disbanded.

Hello, this is DSP Media.

We would like to inform you of the disbandment of one of our artist groups, APRIL.

After a long discussion and careful consideration, we and the members have decided to disband the team and go on our separate paths.

Please give a lot of support and attention to the six members of APRIL who will be setting out on their own paths, this time not as APRIL members.

In addition, thank you again to the fans who have supported and watched over APRIL for the past six years.

— DSP Media

APRIL debuted in August 2015 with six members: Somin, Chaewon, Hyunjoo, Naeun, Yena, and Jinsol. Somin decided to leave the group just three months later, and would later join KARD. In October 2016, Hyunjoo decided to leave the group to pursue acting, and in November of the same year, Rachel and Chaekyung joined. The group’s last comeback was in July 2020, but in 2021, they were under fire as Hyunjoo and her brother accused the APRIL members of bullying.

Source: DSP Media
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