New K-Drama’s Disappointing Plot Twist Confirms Viewers’ “Sh*tty Assumptions”

The big reveal was a letdown.

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Take an intriguing plot idea, pair it with a talented cast of actors, and what do you get? A hit — or flop. One promising new K-Drama is falling flat for viewers who expected more than the show had to offer.

Lee Min Ki (background) and Han Ji Hyun (foreground) | KBS2

Face Me is a medical mystery-thriller about a cold-hearted plastic surgeon and a violent crimes detective whose lives become intertwined. The series follows Lee Min Ki as plastic surgeon Cha Jung Woo and Han Ji Hyun as ace detective Lee Min Hyun. It also stars Lee Yi Kyung as Han Woo Jin, Jung Woo’s close childhood friend.

Lee Yi Kyung

In the past, Jung Woo’s girlfriend died in a mysterious accident that led to Jung Woo’s career change from ER doctor to plastic surgeon. This incident plays a key role in his character development as well as the plot. As the show progresses, new details about the accident emerge after one of Jung Woo’s patients dies. These mysteries had viewers on the edge of their seats until Episode 10.

| KBS2

The “accident” was a murder committed by Jung Woo’s best friend, Woo Jin. Unfortunately, this reveal was far from shocking to viewers who predicted the murderer’s identity early on. How many times has a K-Drama killer turned out to be the lead’s bestie? (Many, many times…) Some viewers felt that a mix of lackluster writing and too-obvious casting sabotaged the big twist.

On the other hand, viewers praised Lee Yi Kyung’s acting and hope to see him play more villain roles in the future.

Read more about K-Dramaland’s latest here:

New K-Drama’s Second Female Lead Gets Slammed For Being “The Worst Breed Of Snake”

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