Fact Check: Did Red Velvet’s Manager Just Clear Up Their Disbandment Rumors?

Recent news have naturally made fans nervous. 

Ever since a Star News Korea article suggesting that Red Velvet‘s Irene might not be renewing her contract with SM Entertainment came to light last week, the K-Pop world has been buzzing with rumors about the potential disbandment of one of its most iconic groups.

| SM Entertainment

The report claimed that the disagreements during contract negotiations have caused the lack of group activities and music released in 2023 since their last R to V concert in London. While Seulgi was confirmed to have renewed with the company in another report, the lack of news on the other four members and the negative claims about Irene’s contract had naturally made fans nervous.

| 2aN


However, it seems there is still hope for ReVeluvs around the world.

| @RVsmtown/Twitter

In a surprise interview, conducted by SHINee‘s Key, Red Velvet’s current manager, Choi Byung Jong, made some interesting revelations. For those unfamiliar, Choi was previously a part of SHINee’s manager team and now looks after Red Velvet — he’s also managed other successful groups like JYP Entertainment‘s Wonder Girls.

| 썰플리/YouTube

When asked about the group’s future plans, Choi casually dropped a bombshell.

Red Velvet’s comeback is coming up. I’ve been preparing for that. Please look forward to their comeback everyone.

— Choi Byung Jong

| 썰플리/YouTube

However, the manager remained tight-lipped about any further details — including when the comeback date may happen.

Oh, actually, it’s a secret.

— Choi Byung Jong about Red Velvet’s comeback date

| 썰플리/YouTube

The news was definitely met with enthusiasm on the Korean netizen’s part, as an article relaying the manager’s words jumped to the top of Naver’s rankings merely minutes after dropping.

This isn’t the first hint ReVeluvs have received in recent times. Despite the looming concerns, fans had noticed that members Seulgi and Irene had been actively sharing glimpses from the recording studio and practice room, respectively. But the manager’s confirmation is a major boost, suggesting that the group and the company are on the same page.

In the midst of all this uncertainty, one thing becomes clear: the future of Red Velvet may not be as bleak as fans feared. Even though SM Entertainment hasn’t officially commented on the contract status of Irene, Wendy, Joy, or Yeri, the manager’s hint towards an impending comeback can be seen as an indirect assurance.


While it’s crucial not to jump to conclusions, the manager’s words have certainly given fans a ray of hope. After all, why would a group be working on a comeback if they were on the verge of disbandment?

For now, it seems ReVeluvs can eagerly await a date announcement for Red Velvet’s return, hoping it is sooner rather than later.

Source: 썰플리

Red Velvet

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