Fan Gets Allegedly Sexually Harassed By Staff At Red Velvet Irene’s Fansign

A fan recently claimed to have been sexually harassed by a staff member at a fansign for Red Velvet‘s Irene. The fansign took place on December 7, 2024. They claimed to have been touched on the upper chest, as well as to have been treated roughly at the fansign. Their friend posted the matter to X, using screenshots of their conversation with the victim.
I got so mad at dawn that I simply cursed without explaining the situation… I’ll write a post after I sleep and calm down… My Twitter friend went to the Ktown4U fansign for Irene on December 7, and was sexually harassed. I’m just someone who likes Red Velvet, and I’ve been treated like less than a human while attending fansigns, but this is really too scary.
— Victim’s friend
새벽에 너무 화가 나서 상황 설명도 없이 욕만 발사햇는데요… 자고 좀 진정돼서 글을 써볼게요……
제 트친이 12월 7일 아이린 케타포 팬싸에서 시큐한테 성추행을 당했어요
저는 그냥 레드벨벳 좋아하는 사람인데… 팬싸 다니면서 사람 같지도 않은 취급 여러 번 겪었지만 이건 진짜 무서워서요— 땨끈털뭉치 (@aseultaku) December 9, 2024
In the screenshot, their friend claimed that not only were they made to roll up their sleeves, they were also physically touched to check for any recording devices. As fans often sneak smart watches or small devices into their innerwear to record their conversation with the artist, staff have taken to checking.
IDK what they thought they were, but they told me to roll up my sleeves again. But they were already up to my elbows. The f*cker asked me to roll it up more… So I said yes, and asked ‘is this much okay?’ and after they said it was fine, they told me to jump up and down. F*ck. This was probably to see if I had a recording device on me. So I ran jumped up and down. What a b*tch fr… Then they asked me if they could touch my sternum. But they really touched me right above where my bra ended. They hit there with the back of their hand.
— Victim
As fans often sneak smart watches or small devices into their innerwear to record their conversation with the artist, staff have taken to checking. Although checking is common practice at fansigns, sexual harassment is not. SM Entertainment has yet to respond.