Stray Kids Make Fans Proud With Their Performance At “Expo 2020” in Dubai

This performance has the president turning into a Stay.

Stray Kids made serious moves today, performing for Republic Korea’s National Day at the Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Stray Kids | @filesminho/Twitter

They performed “Thunderous,” a self-produced track that embodies Korean culture. The song takes traditional instrumentals and mixes them with modern hip-hop elements, making the song feel classic, but modern.

Stray Kids also performed their song in hanboks, showcasing their pride for their country to the world.

Fans have been expressing how proud they are of Stray Kids for this accomplishment in their career.

Many fans remember when Stray Kids first debuted and how hard they have worked to get to this point.

Though they only debuted 3 years ago, they have managed to secure a spot at Expo 2020, representing Korea and performing in front of President Moon Jae-in.

It’s amazing to think about how far Stray Kids have come and where they are going.

This is an incredible feat for Stray Kids and we look forward to seeing what’s up next for them.

See the full performance here:

A previous version of this article said that Stray Kids debuted 5 years ago. They debuted 3 years ago.

Source: @xlillieee/Twitter

Stray Kids

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