Fans Urge BTS’s Jin To Comply With BDS And Speak Up For Palestine As An Olympic Torchbearer

It is one of the actions the organization has called for.

On July 2, KST, it was reported that BTS member Jin will be one of the torchbearers at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics.

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BTS Jin | TenAsia
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Olympic Organizing Committee

While fans are celebrating this great honor, many have taken the opportunity to reach out to the singer, urging him to join calls for a ceasefire and show solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza, who have been subjected to disproportionate killing and extermination (according to UNHRC reports) by Israel since October 2023.

This call for action is in line with the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The official BDS website points out how Israel is committing a “sporticide” of Palestinians and supports the call for banning the country from the Olympics. It also relays a direct message to the Olympic torchbearers to amplify their calls to action.

Dear Olympic Torchbearers,

Join calls for #CeasefireNow. Help stop Israel’s #GazaGenocide.

Here’s how:

Take one or more of the following actions to ensure Olympic values are upheld and to stand in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Carry or wear:
The Palestinian flag
A call for “Ceasefire Now”
A call for free entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza
A call for an end to Israel’s Gaza genocide
A call for a military embargo on Israel 
A call to support the Palestinian demand to #BanIsrael from the Olympics


Though the BTS fandom has been polarized over pro-Palestinian activism for the past few months, generally, there has been a consensus over following BDS’s guidance. Hence, many Palestinian fans and allies are expecting the community to unite as one and encourage Jin to take a stance through his honorable role as a torchbearer.

The Olympics will begin on July 27, and Jin will reportedly leave for France soon. The exact time and venue of Jin’s participation, however, is yet to be revealed.

You can read more about ARMY’s activism for Palestine here.

Source: BDS


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