Felix Names I.N As The Member Who Provides Stray Kids With “Healing And Energy” During Challenging Times

Stray Kids’ maknae has a pretty important role in the group.

Felix revealed that the maknae of Stray Kids is also their biggest cheerleader, thanks to his caring nature.

As MC of Pops in Seoul, Felix had to present what each member would be working as if Stray Kids were teachers in a high school.

For I.N, Felix stated he would do the best as the school nurse.

He explained this is because I.N is constantly kind-hearted and pointed out the I.N had helped him multiple times.

He’s always so caring and not only caring, he’s very helpful and every time he’s with us, he’s very warm and very generous

Felix even attributed the group’s strength and perseverance to I.N’s positive attitude.

I feel that’s the reason why we’re so healed up and so much energy is given to us by him.

Even though the members may have encountered some difficult situations, I.N has always been there to provide the “healing.”

Felix pointed out that I.N was always there to boost the mood and provide encouragement.

He linked this to why I.N would the best member to be the school nurse in this hypothetical high school.

Just as a school nurse does their best in helping students recover from injuries and sickness, I.N has done a fantastic job in keeping the spirits of his fellow members high.

And I guess that’s why he’s called the school nurse and he’s such a good boy, so I feel like he’s … not only very happy but also very much the healing type.

Felix acknowledged that whenever he encounters something challenging, he always seeks I.N for “healing” and energy.

That’s why I look up to him, when I need healing or I need any relief. He’s a good guy, so I like him.

Although Felix encountered initial difficulties due to the language barrier, when he first started training, I.N has continuously been there for him.

During their pre-debut reality show, it was clear that the two members of the maknae line were already close.

And thankfully, that friendship has continued. Even though I.N and Felix may joke around a lot, they genuinely have each other’s backs.

To see the full video, click below.

Stray Kids

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