5th Gen K-Pop Idol Wishes Fan A Happy Pride Month

“Just made my whole week.”

Around the world, individuals in the LGBTQIA+ community celebrate their lives and accomplishments throughout June, also known as Pride Month. This month is celebrated in remembrance of the Stonewall Uprising in 1969, which is regarded as sparking the gay rights movement.

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While many are lucky enough to be able to celebrate safely, it has been protested everywhere it takes place. This includes Korea, where there are no national laws that protect from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Over 1000 Police Officers Defy Direct Orders To Protect LGBTQ+ Pride Event In South Korea

This can make even just showing support openly something that receives criticism.

This is often why fans of idols appreciate and highlight any gesture, no matter how “small” they may be considered.

A 5th generation idol recently left fans happy after wishing someone happy pride.

ZEROBASONE recently made their comeback with “Feel The Pop” and have been promoting it since the release.

On June 18, a fan who attended a fansign even a few days earlier shared a clip of them greeting Seok Matthew as they sat down. Matthew responded to the OP’s “Happy Pride Month” by saying it back to them.

ZEROBASEONE’s Seok Matthew | WakeOne

The OP also shared a photo taken right after the exchange, showing Matthew smiling at them.

While some could say this was a small gesture, fans were appreciative of both the OP and Matthew’s response as he could have reacted differently.


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