Former AOA Member Kwon Mina Reassures Worried Fans After Calling Out Death Threats In Recent Post

Fans were very worried after her latest post.

Former AOA member, Kwon Mina recently took to her Instagram to call out the death threats and hate messages she’s been receiving via DM.

| @kvwowv/Instagram

Not only did Mina share the raw screenshots of the hate messages, but she told the haters to “shut up” in the caption.

| @kvwowv/Instagram

But fans must’ve shown great concern for her well-being after the call-out because Mina just posted an update reassuring fans that she’s all right.

Many people were worried about me after I exposed those DMs… I only feel hurt and remember the things that are said by people I know and those around me… I’m not affected by insults thrown at me by strangers.

— Mina

She explained to fans that dealing with hate is all a part of the job and that she was prepared for it when she entered the industry.

I always thought it was something I had to deal with in this profession, so no matter what strangers said to me after my debut, I just laughed at it and pitied them…

— Mina

| @kvwowv/Instagram

But she revealed that her perception changed a few months back and it became a lot harder to handle.

But a few months ago, it started hurting and bothering me for the first time, making me want to cry, report everyone, and feel resentment…

— Mina

Luckily, Mina shared that she’s doing better now.

I’m doing a lot better now. DMs like that are erased from my memory more quickly now, and it doesn’t faze me anymore just like before.

— Mina

| @kvwowv/Instagram

According to Mina, she only exposed the DMs to get it out of her system, but she also acknowledges why fans are worried given her controversies in the last few months.

I only posted the DMs to let out my anger, but after all my behavior in the last few months, people have been excessively worried about me…

— Mina

She concluded her post with an update to fans about how she’s actually been doing lately.

I’m not really keeping in touch or meeting with the people around me yet. I don’t want to get hurt again. But I’m receiving treatment, avoiding things here and there, and even trying new things. I’m getting a lot better, so don’t worry about me.

— Mina

| @kvwowv/Instagram

Best wishes to Mina and her ongoing recovery!

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DM공개 때문에 DM으로 많은 분들이 너무 걱정을 하셔서..저는 아는사람이랑 주변인들이 하는 말에 주눅들거나 상처받고 혹은 새겨듣고 기억하지..모르는 사람이 절 욕해봤자 아무렇지 않았어요 직업상 어쩔수 없고 감수해야 할 부분들이라고 미리 생각햇엇기 때문에 데뷔후 모르는 사람의 어떤 말도 상처가 되지 않고 비웃었죠 불쌍하기도 하고..근데 불과 몇달전에 처음으로 신경이 쓰이고 상처받고 미친듯이 울고 다 신고해버리고 싶고 원망하고 너무 힘들었어요 정말 멘탈이란 멘탈이 다 나갔어서..하지만 지금 많이 좋아지고 있어요 그래서 점점 저런글들도 생각에서 빨리 지워져 나가고 다시 무감각해지기 시작하더라구요 일부러 저도 화풀려고 올린건데 제가 지난시간동안 너무 많은 행동을 저질러 버려서 그런지 너무 심각하게 걱정을 하시더라구요..아는사람이나 주변인은 아직 연락도 안하고 잘 못만나고 있어요 또 다시 상처받긴 싫어서. 그래도 제 나름대로 치료도 잘 받고 이것 저것 피하기도 해보고 도전해보기도 하고 그러고 있어요 많이 좋아지고 있으니까 너무 걱정하지마세요 그리고 저 인간은 정말 닭쳤던데요? 하하 조용해요 그러니 노걱정! 그나저나 저 참 이상한 얘기 많이하죠 그래도 여긴 제 공간이라고 생각해서이니까 이해해주세요 그러려니, 또 떠든다, 하고

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